Dr. Mohd Mazammal Hussain (Principal)
I feel fortunate to welcome the fresh aspirants for being a part of this college. Dear students, college days are considered as golden period because these three years will be the foundation of your life. You yourself have to develop the sense of responsibility and fix your priorities. You must give top ranks to obedience, discipline, honesty and self-control. Let me quote the words of Swami Vivekananda “Only study of books is not education, Knowledge lies hidden in the mind of man. He uncovers and develops it by his own effort”.
My message to the students of this college is to value and uphold the importance of intrinsic motivation. Each student must think, feel and do something that is fundamentally different and helpful to lead a respectable life. Make target, search innovative path leading to it and don’t compromise in achieving it. You should remember that need and help is the combination of universal survivalism. You must help yourselves so that ultimately you can help others, everyone will need to help. You will need to help your parents, you will need to help the environment and you will need to make the sense of the world when sense and reason go missing. You will need to help solving problems through innovation and inventions.
Concentration is the key of the knowledge”. The motto of the college,” I will and I can” is truly inspiring to our students. It encourages them to realize their dreams and achieve their goals which otherwise seem impossible. We organize guest lectures, discussions and social service programmes for awakening the moral values and instilling good behaviour, co-operation and helpfulness among students.
The college is an alma mater whose all alumni look back to their college days with fond memories. It is my proud privilege to introduce my dedicated faculty who will lead you on the path of your dreams as you spend three years caring, sharing, teaching and learning in this college. I once again welcome you to this temple of learning and wish you all the best in all walks of your life.